Pirate Cupcakes

I had a last minute order for some cupcakes for my friend’s son’s birthday party. We ultimately decided on skull and crossbones since I was short on time due to going out of town, but it turned out that my plans changed. So I was able to do these cute pirate cupcakes for Nicholas and surprised his mother with them. These pirates are exactly what she wanted, but they were quite time consuming so good thing I had the time. In the end, I am so glad that I took the time to make these. I think they are adorable even for pirates!

I did not make the cake for this party but Anne-lil tried her hand at a Pirate ship cake which turned out awesome. Unfortunately, I do not have a picture. I will have to get her instructions on that one! Maybe for a future order? šŸ˜‰ To see a few more pics of the pirates visit my gallery or directly on my Picasa web album.

Chocolate cupcakes lightly covered in a vanilla buttercream.
The eye patch is made out of a good ole’ Smartie.
Happy Birthday, Nic!
We hope you enjoyed your pirate themed party!

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